Mid-June 2021

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A redesign, a move, time elapses.

This redesign has been in progress for more than half a year, so it's about time I go ahead and publish. My blockers were, as is usually the case, content and design. Content, as I'm not a particularly great content writer. Design, as I tend to design while I develop. So development takes much longer, as I am constantly refining design throughout. My stylesheets look like they've been massacred.

I finally learned that I can "draft" a page in Eleventy using the following frontmatter:

permalink: false
eleventyExcludeFromCollections: yes

which helps clean things up here, a lot.

damage control

In separate incidents, I've spilled enough sweet liquids on each of my laptops to adversely affect the keyboards. The personal laptop prints either too many "h" characters or none at all. The work laptop prints the "k" around 5% of the time. Both keyboards are uncomfortably crunchy.

It's almost enough to make me get a keyboard cover next time, though they tend to feel so weirdly squishy.

A keyboard cover for the MacBook... gross.

hello, bull city

Our family has relocated for my spouse's employment. For now we are house-sitting a short walk from downtown.

Thankfully, I get to keep my current job.

I'm not sure what to say about my new city of Durham, but right now I think it's a bit as if you took Ithaca, New York, made it a few times bigger, and situated it in the American South.

My spouse's friends have expressed interest in visiting us here. I don't feel particularly like I am worth the trip. Maybe folks are just that eager to resume travel.

I usually enjoy a chance at a clean slate life reset, but the disruption after this past year and a half has been a bit much to bear.